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The ultra-compact Allen & Heath XB-10 is perfect for small radio or internet broadcast studios, college and university radio stations, podcasting, content creation and more.

Despite its tiny footprint, XB-10 is packed with the kinds of specialised broadcast features that normally come at a much higher price. Radio-friendly tools include a telephone communication (telco) channel, mic channel ON switch sensing, stereo channel start/cue outputs for CD deck transport control and automatic muting of speaker outputs. A separate monitor mix can be created for operator and guest or presenter, and the operator can speak off-air to the studio or telephone callers using the 'Talk' feature.

XB-10's preamps use low noise discrete transistor circuitry to achieve high gain and excellent linearity. Each mic channel comes equipped with our innovative CompACT compressor to keep the dynamic range of a presenter microphone under control. A variable limiter on the main output ensures that the final mix to air does not saturate expensive broadcast equipment.

The plug-n-play USB connection can be used for VoIP telephone calls, recording program material, playing jingles and more.
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