Sorry, the product BRS Acoustics Quadratic121B - Cherry is not available anymore on Studio Economik's website.

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The BRS Acoustics Quadratic121B is a 2D quadratic residue (Schroeder) diffusor panel containing 121 wells. It's bandwidth ranges from 850Hz to 4.2kHz. Cherry wood.

It is the exact opposite of the Quadratic121A, which makes them perfect partners to reduce redundancy. IIt is designed to flatten comb filtering of critical rooms such as control rooms, recording booth, live rooms, mastering suites, listening rooms, home theater, etc. Available in many local and exotic woods. Ask for quote. BRS Acoustics hardwood diffusor panels are handmade in Canada from carefully selected wood.


850Hz - 4.2kHz

Width: 23-3/4"
Length: 23-3/4"
Height: 4-3/4"
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