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The Cartec Audio THC is a Total Harmonic Compressor - Stereo Tube Compressor with Blend and MS Stereo. Transparent compression, to a more aggressive crushing character.

The THC is designed to be the most flexible valve compressor around, but with the most intense character capabilities. For use and abuse. Smooth out the mixbus while dialing back in top end clarity, or use it to create a drum sound that explodes from the monitors. A totally new design that brings classic topologies to a contemporary era of mixing techniques.


Aside from being a variable-transconductance valve (tube) compressor with a distinct sound, the THC has many features beyond this. Each channel splits internally into two separate signal paths. running in parallel with the compressor is a passive high and low frequency shelving EQ followed by a soft clipping/distortion stage. These two signal paths recombine before the output transformer, and the variations possible between these stages make for either the most subtle or most brutal manipulation around.


The THC features six closely matched valves, six audio transformers (Input/Interstage/Output), four discrete opamps, independent regulated power supplies for each channel, ALL fully stepped 31 detent controls, three high and low equalizer boost frequencies, two distinct distortion modes, relay switching including hard bypass, completely passive transformer implemented mid/side operation, user claibrateable digitally-driven gain reduction metering.
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