Chandler Germanium Compressor


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Mono compressor, 1 space 19" rackmount

The Germanium series continues with the GERMANIUM Compressor. The GERM Comp starts with the same all class A amp found in the GERM Pre and Tone Control and is transformer balanced in and out. The Compression circuit uses a FET gain reduction element but with the tricks and flexibilty of all the GERM units. Some of the most notable additions include a WET/DRY mix (for "submixing" tracks within the comp), COMP CURVE (which selects the knee using various diode combinations), CLEAN/DIRTY COMP, and SIDECHAIN FILTER. Many of the GERM Comp parameters have been purposely set by studio use and listening, not by over analysing them with test gear. The result is a musical powerhouse for ready for tracking, mixing, and mastering.

All Germanium units require and function on the PSU-1, Chandler Limited power supply. The PSU-1 has an internal switch for setting voltage to 120V or 220V (115V/230V)
Dirty Comp/Clean Comp
FET compressors are known for high amounts of distortion. This is usually compensated for in the design. The Dirty Comp removes only unwanted harsh distortion and leaves all the 2nd and 3rd harmonics in place, adding vibrance and elegance by the bucketload.

Comp Curve and Link
The Germanium Compressor uses resistors, dermanium diodes, silicon diodes, or diode combinations to control the ratio of the compressor. Each setting will show its own true character while adjusting the compressor's curve. The resistance and germanium settings are very gentle, while the silicon and zener settings grab harder. This control (among others) was dialed in by ear, not by test gear, helping to make the Germanium Compressor one of the most musical units out there.

Germanium Drive
This function controls the input gain of the Germanium amp. The amount of gain is related to the Feedback control position.

Feedback Control
This control changes the amount of signal fed from the amplifier output back to the input. As well as acting as a volume-type control, this knob seriously effects the tone of the unit. Turned to the left, there's less volume and harmonic distortion, and more high frequencies. Set to the right, you get more volume, more harmonic distortion, and a low-end peak around 30Hz.

Ratio and Attack/Release
The parameters for these functions were also dialed in by ear. Ratios can go from very gentle to a hard, punchy FET smash. You can dial the Attack/Release from fast to slow. Your ears are your best guide!

The Chandler Germanium Compressor is a premium, highly-musical compressor that sounds great on any source!
  • Class A Amplifier
  • FET Gain-Reduction Element
  • Wet/Dry Mix Control
  • Compressor Curve Control to Adjust Knee
  • Clean/Dirty Compressor Control
  • Sidechain Filter
  • Hand Assembled in the U.S.A.
  • Channels: Mono
    Circuit: Discrete, Transistor
    I/O: XLR
    Sidechain: TRS
    All Connections: Transformer Balanced Pin 2 Hot
    Power: +/-28v (Requires Chandler Limited PSU-1 MKII power supply.)
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