Sorry, the product K-Tek KSHRN2 - Stingray Harness is not available anymore on Studio Economik's website.

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Inspired by hiking and military back packs, the K-Tek Stingray Harness, KSHRN2 redefines how a harness redistributes the weight carried by the Audio Professional

Rigid Spine transfers the load from the wearer's shoulders and spine through the exoskeleton, instead of their back, and down to the padded hip fins. Combined with six-mounting points the bag is held securely to the body while offering unprecedented comfort, allowing for longer duration shots while greatly reducing back fatigue. K-Tek's customer inspired design is an ideal solution for the changing production landscape.

Now in its 2nd generation, the Stingray Harness features an adjustable, color coded and removable inner waist belt.

A new approach to padding combined with premium breathable materials makes the harness comfortable and cool to wear.

The Butterfly element (over and under shoulder straps) can be easily adjusted on the main exoskeleton portion of the harness making the harness perfect for various body types and sizes.
Smartly integrated, along with the rest of K-Tek's Stingray products, there are plenty of D-Rings, strap mounts and Molle straps offering a multitude of attachment points.

K-Tek's fresh approach to the Stingray harness and the entire Stingray audio bag and accessory line creates game changing solutions for the audio professional that cut back on fatigue and reduces stress, with efficient and focused products that are also really good looking.


  • Rigid ExoSpine with Hip Fins and lower Straps
  • Butterfly Element with upper and over-the-shoulder Straps
  • Removable and color coded inner waist belt
  • Zippered Pouch

  • Dimensions and Weights:
  • Product Weight: 2.62 lbs. (1.19 kg [with pouch])
  • Now accepting
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