Sorry, the product Korg Kronos 2-88 SE is not available anymore on Studio Economik's website.

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KRONOS Special Edition. Loaded with the new Italian Grand Piano, This special KRONOS features a lush red gradation finish.

With a red gradation finish that makes it identifiable at a glance, this KORG KRONOS features the new Italian-made grand piano that debuted on the KORG Grandstage. It also comes with the pre-installed "KApro Showcase" that collects only carefully selected sounds from KApro (*), who provided more than 100 of the KRONOS Sound Libraries. The gorgeous color and sound delivered only by KRONOS will make an unmistakable difference on stage. The KRONOS Special Edition is available in a lineup of three models: 61-key, 73-key, and 88-key.
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