Sorry, the product Melda Production MCreativeBundle is not available anymore on Studio Economik's website.

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Don't limit your creativity and make your own unique sound!

MCreativeBundle currently contains 24 effects for serious composers who want the most advanced technology soft-tools for taking their own sound creativity past the limits of their imagination.

Ultimately versatile
This is possible, now, through the flexibility that we have engineered into each The multiband plugins can have up to six completely independent bands; each shaping your work into unique and musical sounds. Each oscillator in any of the plugins is defined by the most advanced technology in the world; which combines predefined shapes with custom shapes and a step sequencer. Additionally, global modulators can move any parameter thereby making your sound both interesting and pleasing. Of course, you can also torture sounds in any way you like, as needed for your genre. So, what's keeping you from finally just downloading the demo
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