Sorry, the product Telefunken M 840T is not available anymore on Studio Economik's website.

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We have a few suggestions you could be interested in;


M 840T Tube Microphone Cable for the U47 & U48

Made in the USA, the M 840T features historically accurate male and female connector ends designed to mate with original Neumann and TELEFUNKEN U47 and U48 microphone and power supplies.

This cable features high-strand count quad oxygen free copper conductors sealed in an audiophile-grade, low loss polyethylene insulator. A copper braid shield is added for additional RFI and EMI noise rejection, resulting in a premium audio cable offering sonic accuracy and clarity, as well as the legendary tone TELEFUNKEN products are known for.

25' Dual-Shielded Cable with Tuchel Connector for U47/U48 (Binder PSU end)
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