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The 40" stand puts the PMC8-2 monitor at the ideal height and creates the ideal platform for this monitor to excel

It is critical that monitor loudspeakers are positioned at the correct height and the acoustic centre of the speaker should align with the listener's ears " they should also be kept stable during operation. The structure and materials used to support the monitor will have a bearing on the performance of the system; a well-designed stand will ensure optimum imaging, dynamics, and overall tonal balance. These bespoke stands meet these criteria and are ideal for PMC8-2 3-Way monitor.

To complete a single 40" stand for a PMC8-2 you will require a pair of PLATES and a set of LEGS40. All fittings and self-levelling feet are included.


H 1063mm + 20mm (min) adjustable feet
W 540mm
D 400mm
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