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Flux Ircam Studio
The Next Generation Studio Tools. Ircam Verb v3 - Room Acoustics and Reverberation. Verb v3 is an algorithmic room acoustics and reverberation processor. It has a modular construction, employing a... View more
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Flux Full Pack 2.1
Recording, Mixing, Remixing, Mastering - The complete range of Flux:: plug-ins in one big bundle.. Alchemist aiming at professional mastering and re-mastering applications, the intricate design of... View more
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Flux Junger Audio Level Magic Stereo
Real Time & Offline Loudness Processor. Mono/Stereo only version. As a result of a joint engineering venture, Jünger Audio and Flux:: are pleased to announce Level Magic for the first time in a... View more
Flux Junger Audio Level Magic
Real Time & Offline Loudness Processor. Multi-channel version. As a result of a joint engineering venture, Jünger Audio and Flux:: are pleased to announce Level Magic for the first time in a software... View more
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Flux Ircam Tools 1.1
Next Generation Audio Processors. IRCAM SPAT - The complete Room Acoustics Simulation and Localisation Solution. With more than a decade of research performed by the Acoustic and Cognitive Spaces... View more
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Flux Mastering Pack 1.1
Master Your Mastering. Solera v3 - Mastering The Art Of Dynamics. A full scale dynamic processor combining the power of a compressor, expander, de-compressor and de-expander, all four available... View more
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